Good evening. Once again we see shoddy thinking from the FCC as they continue the push for the National Broadband Plan. Not all Americans have equal access to high speed Internet connections they complain, ignoring the fact that some Americans choose to live out in the middle of nowhere, and that choice comes with costs.
Chairman Julius Genachowski and the rest of his socialist team on the FCC don’t care, and just want to pass those costs onto the rest of us, it sounds like. Watch out as they try to declare a right to a good Internet connection, even if you’re off in the hills.
The fight against the runaway FCC has a new ally, though: Jim DeMint. He has proposed the Freedom for Consumer Choice Act, which would not only slow down the FCC’s rush to grab power, but would force a sunset on FCC regulations. The FCC Act sounds good to me and I think we should support it.
Free Press, our favorite band of extremist neo-Marxist “media reform” radicals, is under increasing fire, too. Even the left is starting to wake up and oppose their socialist aims. When you’re losing Oliver Willis and Markos Moulitsas, and you were only popular on the left to begin with, you’re losing any semblance of grassroots support in America, and that’s the spot Free Press is in. Couldn’t happen to a better bunch, eh?
Google has enough problems as well that you’d think they’d avoid making stupid mistakes, but read this article. Google is begging the FTC not to regulate them away from innovation. But it won’t stop them a second from begging the FCC to regulate ISPs away from innovation. Self-seeking, hypocritical statists, that’s what the bigshots at Google are. If it’s not evil it’s at least dishonest, and we have to make them pay for it by exposing them.
They’re going to get some of theirs, though, as Connecticut opened up an investigation into the Street View WiSpy scandal and 37 other states have since joined in. The opening request of Google is plain, simple, and should be answered if Google wants to assure people they aren’t a bunch of snoops. Quoth PC World:
The letter, organized by Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, also asks Google if the company’s Street View cars recorded any Wi-Fi data for more than 0.2 seconds. The letter, sent to a Google attorney Wednesday, asks the company how it was unaware that the code in the software was able to collect data from unencrypted Wi-Fi networks.
I’d prefer not to say anything kind about Richard Blumenthal, as I absolutely oppose him in his race for the Senate, but in this case he and the other 37 Attorneys General are right and there’s nothing I can do about that.
And lastly, does Darrell Issa ever sleep? He apparently doesn’t have enough on his plate calling out the White House, so he’s laying into the House Democrats as well, exposing how hearings are being rigged to have entirely pro-Obama slates of witnesses, all lined up to praise the administration’s policies each in turn. Seriously: an entire panel of witnesses was set up to be all from the administration. No opposition at all was scheduled. What kind of oversight is that?