I really can’t wait until the Lulzsec crew learns about the joys of frogmarching. These arrogant punks need to have some sense smacked into them, and felony charges would be a great way to do that.
That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you improve domestic cybersecurity: find the people breaking into servers and take away their liberties under existing US law.
More in security news: Darrell Issa is tracking a Gmail-related attack that hit government officials. But, instead of going after the perpetrators, he too is interrogating the victim. This is unfortunate. We need to round up these criminals and lock them up.
Business Insider says that Facebook can create targeted search to kill Google. There are two problems with that theory. First, nobody’s as good at working with large databases as Google. Second, Google’s ability to track your habits must not be underestimated. I wouldn’t count on Facebook breaking into Google’s core businesses: giving advertisers information about readers, and pulling data from large databases like the results of Internet spidering.
I cannot be held responsible if you click this link and vomit. The George Soros-led forces of Internet regulation are running scared. Online, prices are dropping, freedom flourishes, taxes are lower, and all these good things are happening without government leading the way. This frightens them. So they tell lies like Bill Snyder and InfoWorld did in the linked post: “Mobile usage keeps going up — and so do data plan charges.” Sorry Sparky, prices have been going down, not up. When there’s a lie in the subtitle, you know there are going to be serious problems below, so I didn’t even bother reading further.
Sometimes titles mislead, though. When I saw this post titled “Rural America needs better broadband service,” I was braced for yet another appeal for Universal Service Fund reform, also known as an Internet tax. But no, David Ure understands that competition and the free market are the keys to better service. So his post starts:
As a rancher and a member of the Summit County Council, I have followed with great interest the proposed AT&T merger with T-Mobile. It might seem odd to some that a rancher and a dairyman from Kamas would care about such a thing, but I can explain.
Last week The Tribune ran a guest opinion article by a gentleman representing rural wireless providers, seeking to block the proposed merger. The writer went so far as to write, “There is nothing good in this merger for rural America.”
As one who lives and works in rural America, I beg to differ.
When I load a post expecting the worst, and find something like that, it really makes me smile. For a few years, the radicals moved unopposed on the battlefield of Internet regulation, but we’re catching back up.
Taking the House has helped with that. Giving Marsha Blackburn a loud megaphone to call out Michael Copps and the FCC’s Net Neutrality collusion with Free Press is great, as is giving Darrell Issa a chairmanship to probe the White House’s role in the FCC’s rules writing.
But it’s not just Republicans who realize that we need a hands off FCC. Firms like Facebook, Microsoft, Oracle, and Yahoo are coming out against government action on AT&T/T-Mobile. The Net Neutrality coalition breaks up even further.