Tech at Night: Fighting an illegal tax in California, fighting unchecked regulation, and fighting the urge to regulate

As is usual, tonight I’ll give priority to the things we had posted at RedState, and mention those first. Especially My own post on the latest on the California Amazon Tax referendum, and more specifically on the plans of Democrats to nullify the constitutional referendum process, in service of their unconstitutional Internet sales tax. We need to pressure Republicans to vote the right away, at least.
We also have a post by streiff on regulation, and how we need to do something about it. He asks a great question, on the relative levels of oversight the Congress gives to the military and to the post-New Deal alphabet soup: “So why should the commissioning of a lieutenant or the promotion of a mid-grade officer merit positive action on the part of Congress but an EPA regulatory regime that seems focused on making the use of coal illegal allowed with no action?”
More on why PROTECT IP is a bad bill and must be defeated. Patrick Ruffini and David Segal make the case, including one key facet of the process the bill creates: “The entities accused of infringement wouldn’t even get their day in court until after they’ve been shut down – they could appeal to the courts for relief only after the fact.” Tell me this isn’t giving government too much power too easily abused. Just tell me.
David Gerwitz has another great point about PROTECT IP: If US-based DNS services become compromised with censorship, then people will just stop using US-based DNS. Much as people outside of China don’t use Chinese censored DNS, and people in China do their best to proxy around it, people outside of the US will stop using any US-based service, and people in the US will.. yup, proxy around it if they have to. It won’t secure anything, and it’ll just expand government power. Defeat PROTECT IP.
Big telecommunications firms do more for Americans in a crisis than the radical left ever will.
Left-on-left battle as radicals call for FCC action against BART, the Bay Area Rapid Transit system that services San Francisco and Oakland. I’m rooting for injuries.
I’m not sure what to think of Google’s latest problems, though. Google is in trouble with the FTC for running lots of advertising for bad drug companies. Now it’s being alleged that Larry Page knew about the problems all along, but chose to do nothing about it, it seems. Pass the popcorn.
I just hope all the bellyaching about Google+’s names policy, the one Facebook may copy, doesn’t lead to regulation or legislation. Guess what? If you don’t want to use it, don’t use it! I pulled just about all my data off of Facebook and I never signed up for Google+. In fact, I don’t keep one Google account. If I have need for a specific service, I create a new account to use it. No data aggregation. I control what I share. We don’t need regulation for that, so let’s fight the urge to regulate.
AT&T seems confident its deal with T-Mobile won’t be blocked, as AT&T has rolled out a 4G LTE test in Chicago. Exciting. That takes us one step closer to having four national 4G networks. I love competition.
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