Tech at Night: Google Reader popularity again proves nobody cares about privacy. Catch my latest on Aaron Swartz.

More proof people don’t care about privacy: Google announces a service is ending, and the competitor I use to prepare Tech at Night becomes flooded to the point of unusability Wednesday night. People just don’t care what Google is doing.
The Street View WiSpy scandal didn’t scare people off, even as Texas hits Google for those offenses. Glass excites them. The shift toward human biases doesn’t raise questions. People love Google’s services, and privacy doesn’t enter into the equation. So keep regulation out.
Make sure you catch my recent RedState post on Aaron Swartz, and how the blame casting against his prosecutor is not only unfair, it’s wrong.
This is your reminder that tech regulations harm innovation and don’t actually protect anyone (also, see above on privacy).
Two of the top five wireless firms to combine, T-Mobile and MetroPCS. Outrage machine… muted. Hmm. Could it be nobody was bankrolling T-Mobile hits the way they were bankrolling AT&T hits?
As in the same forces now gunning for AT&T in the spectrum auctions?
I called it: the outrage over cell phone unlocking is actually about people who want to circumvent copyright protection.
Kim Dotcom says they’ll never take him alive. I guess if he never waddles into to the US for the rest of his life… Guess he’d better hope the US doesn’t come up with a miracle Diabetes cure.
Anarchists think their fight to copy movies and video games is just like the fight for Indian independence. Delusional.
It turns out the EU was actually considering banning pornography at the behest of feminists. They didn’t, but interesting.
This is not how you argue for the sales tax compact. Telling us how poor widdle Walmart needs its competitors taxed is not a very good argument. It just isn’t. Guys, I’m on your side on this proposal, quit being idiots.
China is ready to string Barack Obama along on Internet attacks. Heh.
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