Tech at Night: Welcome to Net Neutrality
On March 15, 2011,
in General,
by Neil Stevens

Good evening. I’m going to start tonight with a clarification from Friday. While I identified last week’s Net Neutrality push poll with Consumer Reports, the poll was actually signed on by CR’s publisher, Consumers Union, and conducted by the Consumer Federation of America. As that one television network says, I have now made a report, and you can decide for yourself what to make of it.
Meanwhile we still have a bunch of Net Neutrality fighting going on. Republicans are on to something with the Congressional Review Act plan of repeal, and the forces of Net Neutrality are worried. Al Franken wants to start putting people in jail over it, this despite the FCC’s failure even to publish the rules of the Net Neutrality game.
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Tagged with: Al Franken • AT&T • Barry Diller • Congressional Review Act • Consumer Federation of America • Consumer Repurts • Consumers Union • FCC • Internet • Net Neutrality • Qualcomm • Tech at Night