Those nogoodniks online still need to beware, as Internet gangster Josh Schichtel, the creator (or operator, it’s hard to tell) of a 72,000 node botnet found out when he got socked with 30 months in prison and a $1,500 in fines.
And speaking of bad guys, Wikileaks, oh wait no, WCITLeaks. These are the good guys, trying to bring transparency to the ITU’s shadowy multinational negotiations of communications matters. And they’re looking to do more, going from pure leaking to adding policy and advocacy content.
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So, the FCC put out another report (the “706 report”) that just pushes an agenda rather than reporting the true facts about high speed Internet in America. Commissioners McDowell and Pai tell it like it is. We’ve also got Broadband for America telling the story. I’m not even worried about the details: the FCC is saying what they feel they must say to justify expanding government.
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Another quick one tonight. Ah, the joys of there being no Internet crushing legislation or regulation under consideration right now.
Cue the dramatic music: While it’s true that both Oracle and Google were paying people online to write for their side (not that I was even offered a penny; I’m thinking it’s more because I’m unimportant than that I have some reputation of some sort), Google made the mistake of not complying with a judge’s order to reveal who. Uh oh.
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So with Cliff Stearns having lost his primary race for re-election, it’s time we started thinking about who to elevate on Energy and Commerce. I think Marsha Blackburn deserves a lot more prominence. She’s doing a good job there.
Ecuador: haven for serial rapists and spies. Julian Assange has fled from authorities in two countries now, taking asylum in the Ecuador embassy from the UK police. But remember: this isn’t about the Wikileaks. This is about him being a rapist according to Swedish law. Say what you want about contraception but it’s pretty unbalanced I think to manipulate women into getting pregnant against their wills.
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