Tech at Night: Schumer’s bad idea, Victory over Fairness Doctrine
On August 22, 2011,
in General,
by Neil Stevens

What would be a Monday without Democrats wanting to expand government by passing new laws and regulations? Some people aren’t careful with their things and/or their data, so Chuckie Schumer thinks there oughta be a law. I like CTIA’s response to that:
CTIA understands that when consumers have their mobile devices lost or stolen, it is an unfortunate situation as they often contain a lot of personal information. We urge Congress to not impose unnecessary regulations on the wireless industry that would cause unintended consequences.
To prevent your device from being lost or stolen, we recommend the following tips:
- Know and use the security features on your device (e.g. password locks).
- Use the personalization feature and put your name and a different phone number (and/or email address) so if someone finds your device, they can contact you to return it.
- Download an app that allows you to track and lock your wireless devices remotely.
- Keep a back-up of your contacts, calendar, etc somewhere else (e.g. computer).
- Never leave your device so that it can be easily picked up and don’t give your device to a person you don’t know.
- If you are a person who has a tendency to lose things, you may want to consider mobile device insurance. Make sure you know what the insurance plan does and does not cover.
You can’t legislate good sense.
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