Tech at Night: Beware, hackers and pirates!

Hackers and pirates! Kim Dotcom says he’ll be back and revive his copyright infringement empire, while infringement haven Pirate Bay’s co-founder Gottfrid Svartholm has been arrested in Cambodia and faces deportation, related to his conviction in Sweden.
Also, Anonymous’s Antisec claims to have broken into FBI servers and gotten data about iPhones. FBI says pics or it didn’t happen. Theory: they installed a trojan app in the App Store and are blaming the FBI as cover.
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Tech at Night: Safe Web Act, Samsung copycatting, Obama’s PROTECT IP/SOPA mastermind rides again

It’s clear that the Obama administration wants the Safe Web Act renewed, what with the big showy announcement over at ICE (though if ICE is going after “Copy Cats,” how long until Samsung gets nailed?).
I’d want to look carefully though. We don’t have to just renew it. We can examine it and change it in any ways that make sense given the Obama administration’s pervasive abuse of regulatory powers.
Given these and other fights for greater power, it’s kinda funny that the very same Obama FCC is criticizing the efforts by Russia to censor the Internet along the same lines as the administration’s PROTECT IP proposal.
That’s right, never forget: SOPA was just the House version of a Dem Senate/Obama administration idea.
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Economics projects a 94 EV defeat for Barack Obama
Over at the American Enterprise Institute, James Pethokoukis modeled the economy and the effect of the economy on the 2012 elections. He calculated what unemployment would look like under 28 different scenarios, varying both job and labor force growth rates to cover the range of possibilities, ad the results look bad if there’s any sort of return to the previous trend, should job growth rates not grow sharply.
Even worse for the President, Pethokoukis applied a model by Ray Fair to guess the resulting share of the vote Barack Obama will win based on likely GDP growth rates. Pethokoukis calls the resulting prediction a “close race,” but it actually isn’t. Using Swingometer and some simple math, I think the prediction is one of a nearly 100 EV win for the Republican nominee.
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Tech at Night: A deregulated Internet creates jobs, Microsoft answers Google attacks, Lee and Cornyn speak up

The free market of Internet access, driven by constantly improving technology and heightening competition, is a driver of job creation and economic growth. Even Julius Genachowski, Obama’s FCC Chairman, has to admit that. This is just one reason we fight FCC power grabs.
So when the government starts talking about new regulations in emerging fields such as “cloud computing”, just say no.
And when Steve Chabot makes silly comments about wireless competition without daring to take an actual stand on the issue of the day, just sigh and ignore him. It’s a simple question, Steve. Government action, or free market. Pick a side or hush.
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