Tech at Night

Image credit to Mike Wendy at Media Freedom.

When Ted Cruz called Net Neutrality the Obamacare of the Internet, the left squawked, but it’s true. Net Neutrality, including via the Title II Reclassification power grab, is all promises, but will predictably have bad results for all of us.

Its so bad even the Reverend Jesse Jackson dislikes it because it will hurt poor minorities.

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Tech at Night

This is going to be quick tonight, but I have an important point to make. Our wired Internet is a lot better than critics make it out to be in this country, when you adjust for population density. Naturally no matter how good it is, we still want it to improve over time. If we want that to happen, we need to create incentives for investment.

And it’s basic economics: If you want to incentivize ISPs to increase your data rates, then you want to give them an economic incentive to get you as many bits as possible: It’s time to return to metered Internet access. Pay for what you use.

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