For once I have some good news from FCC. The FCC is going to find some more spectrum to allocate for WiFi as unlicensed use. The idea is that everyone knows large events tend to have serious WiFi problems and this could help fix that.
Meanwhile, the tech lobbying arms race continues to grow. Facebook his growing its policy arm and Pandora is going to go all-out for the IRFA pro-Pandora regulation bill.
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Jim Cicconi doesn’t think the ITU treaty will be that bad for business, but the more I think about it, the worse this could be for liberty. This could be the time that big government worldwide gets together to clamp down on the free exchange of information online. That’s why there is strong and growing opposition to what is brewing there.
And yet the administration is quiet.
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I said earlier this week that I wouldn’t comment on the RSC’s pulling of the copyright paper until I studied it. Well, I studied it, and they were wrong to pull it. Of course, for saying that, I’m being called some radical opposing the free market.
Meanwhile I’m getting called an ignorant tool of the big media companies because I oppose further market meddling in the form of IRFA.
It’s rare that a bill rises in awareness quickly but then dies hard. But by the time I’d even heard about the new Patrick Leahy power grab, this time spying on emails allegedly, he’s already given up on it. Score one for small government, at least.
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