Tech at Night: It’s easier to get private Broadband than public Water. Google and eBay take stances.
On May 3, 2013,
in General,
by Neil Stevens

So the left is mad that the President’s new pick for Commerce isn’t totally in the pocket of the unions, and they’re mad the new pick for FCC, Tom Wheeler, isn’t a radical socialist like Bernie Sanders. I’m not all that optimistic about either pick though. The President is choosing bundlers for personal loyalty, which means radicalism on his terms, but still radicalism.
This is amazing though, and this is something the radicals will never tell you: more Americans lack access to public water than to broadband Internet. Twice as many, in fact. Government is a failure, compared with private competition.
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Tagged with: Aereo • Barack Obama • Broadband • Competition • eBay • FCC • Google • Internet • Internet Sales Tax • Israel • Marketplace Fairness Act • Palestinian Territories • Sales Tax • Tech at Night • Tom Wheeler • Water