Tech at Night: Obama’s Internet regulation plan got everything wrong. Everything.

The Heritage Foundation is one of the most important components of the conservative movement. They’re a true Think Tank, bringing together many smart people to speak intelligently on many issues. And I agree with Jim DeMint’s predecessor at Heritage, Ed Fuelner, when he says Net Neutrality “needs to be eradicated, not embraced.
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Tech at Night: Obama’s plan to regulate the Internet was worse than we thought

So Obama’s secret plan to regulate the Internet, the one that we weren’t allowed to see what was in it until it was passed, is finally out, and it’s anti-free speech, anti-innovation, and illegal. It was sold as one thing, but there’s a whole iceberg of problems beneath.
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Tech at Night: Netflix got used and betrayed over Net Neutrality

Before the FCC’s vote on Barack Obama’s secret plan to regulate the Internet, Netflix was the golden boy of the Net Neutrality movement. They were constantly cited as the reason we needed regulation, and Netflix played it up, hoping winners and losers would be chosen.
Well now it turns out, even Netflix opposes Obama’s plan.
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Tech at Night: Regulation broke encryption, and now it may break streaming

We got news of a new, widespread Internet security hole this week, and it turns out this one was caused by government. They caused it.
Government is bad at controlling the Internet, and so now it turns out the Net Neutrality plan of Barack Obama’s to regulate the Internet may cause even more problems. Net Neutrality will break streaming.
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Tech at Night: What does FCC have to hide in Obama’s Internet regulation plan?

Mike O’Rielly continues to do outstanding work, joining Ajit Pai in exposing the dangerous lack of transparency the Obama administration has shown. This is pretty bad. What does the FCC have to hide?
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Tech at Night: Obama administration votes for socialized Internet

I know what you’re thinking: We all heard about FCC’s controversial, party-line vote to regulate the Internet under 1930s-era phone regulations, as Verizon has so successfully mocked to the annoyance of the far left. The “Title II Reclassification” deem-and-pass maneuver has done many things, but it didn’t outright socialize the Internet yet.
No, that was actually another vote this week.
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Tech at Night: Just how bad is Net Neutrality?

They tell us that regulating things like a utility is good, when it comes to Net Neturality, but New Zealand is clear evidence to the contrary.
It’s no wonder a national consensus is forming against Obama’s plan to regulate the Internet. Polls are against it and even Google is realizing how wrong it is.
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Tech at Night: Net Neutrality Update

Ah, Net Neutrality. The thing that America is being lied to, and is worse than even Ajit Pai thought. The thing that they’ve been telling us for years was necessary and good, even in comments at RedState, but has been revealed to be nothing but a packet of lies motivated by big government, they’re working to bring it.
Let’s explore just how wrong it is.
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Tech at Night: Barack Obama’s Internet Regulation plan really is bad news

Critics who don’t want to debate the merits of expanded government like to portray the Net Neutrality debate as activists vs Cable Companies™, but this isn’t that at all. This is the people vs. the Obama administration, as it is with EPA, NLRB, and every other overreaching regulator.
Don’t take my word for it. Commissioner Ajit Pai says “The American People are being misled about President Obama’s plan to regulate the Internet.” He’s seen the plan, folks. He’s in a position to know who’s lying, and who isn’t.
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Tech at Night: FCC sends a message of a regulated, socialized Internet

By ignoring federalism and imposing the option of socialized Internet nationwide, Tom Wheeler, FCC Chairman, says he’s sending a ‘clear message’. He’s right. He’s sending a message of socialism
Combine that with the coming takeover of the Internet, and it’s a terrible situation.
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