The President wants to mess with our Internet, and turn it into a socialistic program. And while the fringe left has been pushing this for months, the President’s threat in backing this power grab known as ‘Title II Reclassification,” that is deeming ISPs phone companies and passing 1930s-era stifling regulations in defiance of the bipartisan Telecommunications Act, is already scaring off investment in faster Internet..
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I’m not Chevy Chase, but I’ve been there.
This is your reminder that the FCC is still going crazy: it wants to regulate Internet-based video, which is a pure, unacceptable power grab.
On top of the illegal plans to go ahead and regulate ISPs, it’s clear the FCC wants total state-run Internet.
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I like to point out how the Net Neutrality / Title II Reclassification gang makes inconsistent arguments, for example complaining about ‘fast lanes’ even as it pushes for Title II which would allow ‘fast lanes’.
Well, it turns out if you scratch beneath that inconsistent surface, you get the real motivation: “to hobble corporations”. They think that’s the job of the FCC.
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The fact that the Net Neutrality and “Title II Reclassification” debates are being driven by myths and falsehoods seems to be getting out.
Which is why we now see them getting more desperate.
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Net Neutrality has failed in the courts over and over again. Some on the far left are talking about renaming the movement, others continue to hammer away at it as-is. Still more have given on on Net Neutrality as the means to get a government power grab on the Internet.
Title II Reclassification is the new gimmick. They’re willing to lie to get it and the power grab would disrupt the economy.
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Right now there’s a huge astroturf campaign going on, spamblasting fake messages to the FCC, pretending that there’s this giant grassroots army of opposition to the idea that people or businesses should be able to pay ISPs for faster service. This is what they’re calling “fast lanes” and the progressives are having a fit.
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Don’t break the net by imposing a new, radical regulatory scheme. Internet access should not be a public utility. It has nothing to do with Net Neutrality. It would kill investment and expansion of high speed services to more people. More regulations hurt the little guy more than the big guy. Regulations hinder competition. Fast lanes become more likely. Netflix is just playing games to get a competitive advantage just like every other lobbying business. And once this gets in, FCC will go all out, the same way it always does.
This is a good site, covering a number of myths about the proposed Title II Reclassification, a dramatic step the radicals are pushing for the FCC to do, basically overturning a key concept of the bipartisan Telecommunications Act, and re-regulating the Internet as a phone service. It’s a terrible idea.
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Even as Democrats get desperate that they’re losing the public debate on Net Neutrality, the ideological extreme left is trying to merge Net Neutrality and a second, separate debate. They want FCC unilaterally to redefine ISPs not as information services, but as common carriers like phone companies, which are covered under Title II of the Communications Act. They want to move ISPs to a much heavier regulatory scheme. They want to regulate the Internet.
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Public Knowledge, one of the extreme leftists organizations pushing for socialized Internet, with Net Neutrality as the latest wedge to grow government, has been at this a while. Their former President, Gigi Sohn, even left to go work at the FCC to fight for extremism from within. And now we find out just how extreme they are.
Harold Feld, their Senior Vice President and Legal Director, has decided publicly to make fun of critics of the plan they support for government regulation of the Internet, Title II Reclassification of Internet services as … suddenly no longer information services for some reason. He decided to bring up ebola, even as right now people are actually dying of it, and it’s a fear people are actually having right now. Alinskyite tactics here, folks. Just push emotional buttons rather than engage on the issues.