California Senate Update
On October 21, 2010,
in General,
by Neil Stevens

It’s getting remarkably rough for the Democrats out here in California. Long, long time Assembly Speaker (and then after 1994 booted him out, San Francisco Mayor) Democrat Willie Brown has no confidence in any of the top Democrats, saying they have no ground operation at all. He applied that to Jerry Brown (Governor), Gavin Newsom (Lt. Governor), and Babs Boxer (Senate).
The Chamber of Commerce is also pounding on the Democrats, pointing out that No Ma’am Boxer bounced 143 checks in the House Bank scandal. No integrity. No honesty. She’s a thief.
Just one more reason we need to beat her and elect Carly Fiorina to the Senate.
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Tagged with: 2010 • Barbara Boxer • California • Chamber of Commerce • Gavin Newsom • Jerry Brown • Senate • Willie Brown